Melrose High School Permanent Scholarship Fund

THE A. IMRIE DIXON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP which you have received this year was established in 1977 by his wife, Mrs. Miriam Dixon; his daughter Mrs. Carol Haught; his son, Mr. Robert Dixon; other relatives and friends.
Mr. Dixon resided in Melrose with his family for thirty-two years at 131 Ashland Street. During all this time he was a member of the Melrose High School Faculty. He Served as the head of the social studies department, vice principal, and as principal. He became principal in 1957 and served in this capacity until his retirement in 1972.
Noting that he has known Mr. Dixon for some 25 years, School Comm. Dr. Robert Soule recalled that, “I don’t believe there has ever been a principal more dedicated and faithful to the children. He had a personal relationship with every child that came through high school, and his example typified the kind of human being to human being relationships that are the best of teaching. It will be a long time before we see a person who could surpass the record of Mr. Dixon.”
Mr. Dixon was a native of Peace Dale, Rhode island. He graduated from the Providence Technical High School, held a bachelor’s degree from Ohio Wesleyan University, and a master’s degree from Harvard University; he began his teaching career in 1928 as a teacher of English and U.S. History in Haverhill, Massachusetts, and from 1929 to 1942 served as head of the History Department in the Reading, Massachusetts High School.
While living in Melrose, he was an active member of the First Methodist Church, the Melrose Rotary Club, and on the Board of Trustees of the Melrose Public Library.
In addition to his local teaching, Mr. Dixon taught American History for twelve summers at the State University of New York at Oneonta.
Therefore, this scholarship that has been awarded to you this year is a Living tribute to A. Imrie Dixon, a man who dedicated forty-four years of his outstanding professional career to service in secondary School education. The quality of education which he aspired to maintain as an educator he himself possessed.
THE MELROSE HIGH SCHOOL PERMANENT SCHOLARSHIP FUND congratulates you upon receiving this memorial scholarship. The founders of this scholarship will always be interested in your plans and progress.
A. Imrie Dixon Memorial Scholarship
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