Melrose High School Permanent Scholarship Fund

This memorial scholarship was established in 1980 as a living memorial honoring the memory of Elliott Lewis Stantial who died on November 4, 1980.
Elliott was born in Columbus, Ohio on July 28, 1923. He came to Melrose with his family when he was in the 8th grade. He graduated from Melrose High School in the class of 1941.
“Stan” was a self-taught mechanical wizard who could “fix” almost anything and who often invented devices. His mechanical talent, developed in grade school, led to his million-dollar New England chainsaw distributorship which he eventually came to own and operate. The Stantial-McCulloch Company was sold when he was forced to retire due to failing health.
“He kept his mechanical dabbling, however, teaching many young people. In his neighborhood, he is remembered as the first around to develop and set up his own solar water heating system.”
“His talents extended to flying planes, skippering boats, and riding motorcycles, in addition to holding clinics all over New England on repairing chainsaws while he was in that business.”
Elliot married his high school sweetheart. They were both in the class of 1941 at Melrose High School and married right after their senior year. Elizabeth (Wright) Stantial raised with Elliott six children. Betty ruled the home while Stan ran his McCulloch chainsaw distributorship. All their children would become Melrose High School graduates as well. Betty was always active with the school PTA’s, stayed active in the Melrose community, was a lifelong member of the Highlands Congregational Church, a member of Phi Theta Xi, enjoyed being a candy striper at Melrose-Wakefield Hospital, was always involved with the class of 41 reunions, and always enjoyed entertaining numerous family and friends at their Bellevue Avenue home. As all her kids would testify, theirs was a wonderful, loving, unique relationship for 39 years until Elliot passed away from cancer.
Per Stan: “I was early convinced that for my children to have an equal opportunity to do what I had, they would need higher education. I was lucky enough to have graduated into a hungry job market. While lacking a formal college education, I can very honestly credit my dad with furnishing an excellent substitute and one that would serve me in a good stead in the years ahead.”
Stan was very supportive of the Permanent Scholarship Fund, and we are sure he would appreciate the establishment of a scholarship to help a student pursue this field of endeavor to which he was devoted.
The Melrose High School Permanent Scholarship Fund congratulates you upon receiving this memorial scholarship. The founders of this scholarship will always be interested in your plans and progress.
Elliott L. and Elizabeth Stantial Memorial Scholarship
Preference to a student entering the field of Mechanical Engineering
Category: Career, All
Specifics: Mechanical Engineering