Mehose High School Permanent Scholarship Fund

In May of 1961 the first formal organization of the Melrose High School Permanent Scholarship Fund was created. Mr. Howard B, Wilder, former Principal of Melrose High School from 1942 to 1949, became a Trustee, He served as Trustee from 1961 until his death in 1970. During these years, his advice and counsel contributed greatly to the organization’s growth and success.
In 1965, Mr. Wilder made arrangements to have established in his name a most generous scholarship fund. He continued to add to this fund in subsequent years, and at the time of his death numerous additional contributions were added by his family and friends. This memorial scholarship in his name is indeed a tribute to this man who dedicated his entire professional life to young people.
Mr. Wilder was a graduate of Boston Latin High School and Harvard University. He received both a B.A. degree and master’s degree in history, government, and economics at Harvard, as well as a master’s degree in education.
His teaching career first began at Haverhill High School in 1924, In 1925, he came to Melrose High School where he served for twenty-four years as a teacher, department head, submaster and Principal.
During his professional career he was the author of six textbooks. In 1949, he left Melrose High School to accept a position with the Houghton Mifflin Publishing Company as head of the social studies department,
During his residency in Melrose he was active as a member of the vestry of the Trinity Episcopal Church, on the Y.M.C.A. board of directors, as a trustee of the Melrose Public Library, and as a director of the Melrose Savings Bank. He was for many years a member of the Melrose Rotary Club, and during his time as Principal of Melrose High School he actively participated in a professional organization of high school principals, The Quinaped Club.
Mr. Wilder was the husband of Mrs. Esther Wilder of Melrose and the father of three daughters: Mrs. Joanne Davis of Wayland, MA, Mrs. Judith Stein of Dover, MA, and Mrs. Joyce Rolf of Birmingham, MI.
As an educator, author, businessman, and resident of Melrose, he and his family have contributed much to the City of Melrose and to Melrose High School.
THE MELROSE HIGH SCHOOL PERMANENT SCHOLARSHIP FUND congratulates you upon receiving this memorial scholarship. The founders of this Scholarship will always be interested in your plans and progress.
Howard B. Wilder Memorial Scholarship
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