Melrose High School Permanent Scholarship Fund

Kappa Delta Psi Sorority is a social organization which began here in Melrose in 1903. It is a Gamma Chapter of the National Sorority.
Dedicated to helping children has always been Kappa’s special interest. Through the volunteer efforts of its members, Kappa Delta Psi Sorority has helped such organizations as Boston Floating Hospital, Red Cross Well-Baby Clinic, Melrose-Wakefield Hospital, Melrose Y.M.C.A., Melrose Day Care Center, and The Melrose High School Permanent Scholarship Fund.
Throughout the years, Kappa members have held many fund raising events–Kappa Charity Balls, Theatre Nights, and Dinner Dances–to name a few. However, The Kappa Swap Shop, here in Melrose, staffed entirely by members of Kappa Delta Psi Sorority, has been the main source of income for its charities.
THE MELROSE HIGH SCHOOL PERMANENT SCHOLARSHIP FUND congratulates you upon receiving this memorial scholarship. The founders of this scholarship will always be interested in your plans and progress.
Priority should be given to a student who is a relative of a member of Kappa Delta Psi but if there is no such applicant, preference should be given to a student who has exhibited exemplary volunteer service within the Melrose community.
Kappa Delta Psi Scholarship
Priority should be given to a student who is a relative of a member of Kappa Delta Psi but if there is no such applicant, preference should be given to a student who has exhibited exemplary volunteer service within the Melrose community (one award).
Category: Affiliation, Personal Traits, Service, All
Specifics: Kappa Delta Psi or Volunteer Service