Preferences to students entering the Occupational therapy field, or working with special needs students. Also students who were involved in dance.
Graduation from high school is the first step out of Melrose and into the world. This is a significant event in your life, and the people who support the Scholarship Fund are happy to join with the faculty of Melrose High School and the community at large in wishing you well.
The sponsor of this scholarship is interested in knowing your plans for the future and would appreciate hearing from you. They enjoy receiving a thank you from the scholarship recipients with some general background, such as what school you are attending next year, activities you pursued at Melrose High School, and what you plan to study.
Please take a few moments to send a letter of thanks to:
On behalf of the members of the General Committee, Selections Committee, and the Trustees of the Melrose High School Permanent Scholarship Fund, congratulations on your achievements.
Best wishes on your next chapter!