
Scholarship Fund Names

Robert Paul Babbitt Scholarship    Affiliation, All  Horace Mann School 
Dr. Robert E. Bachelder Scholarship*    Study, All  Music 
Coach Paul M. Bean Scholarship*    Affiliation, Personal Traits, All  Various Traits, Springfield College or Boston University 
Randall Clarke Bean Memorial Scholarship    Personal Traits, Restrictions, All  Not receiving other scholarships. 
Courtney Elyse Beauchesne Memorial Scholarship Fund*    Hardship, All   
Pvt. David A. Bingham USMC Memorial Scholarship    Career, Gender, All  Nursing, Female (preference not required) 
Melrose Fish & Game Chris Bourque Memorial Scholarship*    Interest, Career, All  Arts, Education in Arts, Music, Theatre or Painting 
Arthur W. Brewster Scholarship*    All   
Norman W. Brodeur Memorial Scholarship*    Career, Language, All  French, STEM, Military 
Effie S. Brown Memorial Scholarship    All   
James F. Buchert Memorial Scholarship*    Academic Achievement, Personal Traits, Sport, All  Good Student, Role Model, Baseball or Softball 

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